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Apple reportedly begin its own cellular modem development

After a long-term legal tussle between one of the world's most valuable company Apple and chip maker giant Qualcomm, the…

Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine documents hacked from European Medicines Agency

With so much going on around the world lately, one of which is hacking situations which has plagued medical research…

Samsung hit its highest-ever smartphone shipping since 3 years in Q3 2020

Samsung seems to be doing just fine this year despite numerous companies melting down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The…

Xiaomi’s MiUI 12.5 coming soon

Xiaomi first spoke about the potential release of the MiUI 12 back in April during the height of the coronavirus…

FireEye Compromised and its Hacking Tools stolen by “State-Sponsored” Hackers

FireEye which happens to be one of the largest cybersecurity companies in the United States said on Tuesday that it's…

By Ahmed

Is Airbnb turning towards bi host and leaving smaller behind

Airbnb's new approach for professional host outside of North America is the inclusion of service fees in the rate presented…

Samsung Tizen leads in global TV operating system

Since the COVID-19 lockdown, a large number of people have turned to smart tvs but this trend didn't just start…

Huawei reportedly completes its first Chip manufacturing factory in Wuhan

With the US-China trade war still on-going, sections from the United States on China's big tech companies have prompted the…

More than 20 million Gionee’s smartphone intentionally ridden with Trojan horse

Gionee, a Chinese smartphone maker has recently been discovered for practicing illegal control of computer information systems on its smartphones…


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