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Facebook needs to make more billions and wants you to allow it

The company uses it's user's data to retarget them with ads

By Ahmed

Parler finally back online but still having technical issues

The platform was booted off Amazon's AWS, Google Play Store and Apple App store which led to the company's CEO…

By Ahmed

Trump will NOT be allowed back on Twitter even if he runs for office

The literal meaning of Twitter CFO's remark during an interview about whether Trump could get his account back

By Simbi

Disney cut ties with The Mandalorian Gina Carano

She came under fire after posting a series of anti-Semitic rhetorics on her social media account

By Simbi

Facebook suspends IPOB Leader Kanu Nnamdi’s account over “Hate Speech”

The separatist is known in the country for his controversial rhetoric and his believe that the IPOB should become an…

The Coachella Music Festival cancelled again for the third time

Health officials don't want to take the risk of the event that attracts hundreds of thousands to the California desert…

By Simbi

The Faces of the Riot is a new site dedicated to identifying those that laid siege on the US Capitol building

The site used facial detection technology to grab the faces of those who partook in the Capitol building crisis that…

By Simbi

Snapchat reportedly working on Dark Mode

The Dark Mode trend is far from over as its now well saturated across multiple services and operating systems around…

Signal Finally Back Online After Server Outage

The IM had seen a sudden spike in its user base after Elon Musk tweeted support for it.


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