SO YOU WANT TO WRITE FOR US AT Brumpost? is dedicated to sharing the latest news on emerging technology, smart gadgets, and scientific developments. We welcome collaborations with partners interested in contributing high-quality content to our platform. This guide will outline the steps to submit content to Brumpost, ensuring that it aligns with our audience’s interests.

Submission Guidelines: Because Brumpost is all about emerging and innovative tech stories and science, all we’d like to post for our audiences is content within that domain.

Step 1: Send a Content Preview:

  • Start by composing an email to [email protected]
  • In the subject line, mention your intent to submit content for collaboration. 
  • In the body of the email, provide a brief introduction about yourself or your organization and your content proposal. 
  • Attach a preview of the proposed article (approximately 300-500 words) or a summary.

Step 2: Review by Our Editorial Team

Once we receive your email, our dedicated editorial team will carefully review the content preview.

We will assess the content’s relevance, quality, and alignment with Brumpost’s focus on emerging technology, smart gadgets, and science. 

If the content meets our criteria, we will contact you within a reasonable time frame, usually within 3 – 7 business days.

Step 3: Request for Full Content Submission 

If your content preview is approved, we will request you to submit the full article. Ensure that the full article adheres to our editorial guidelines, which include:

  • High-quality, original content.
  • Proper grammar and spelling.
  • Clear and concise writing.
  • Use of credible sources and references.
  • Avoidance of plagiarism.

Include any relevant images or graphics that enhance the article’s visual appeal. Images should be high-resolution and properly credited if necessary.

Step 4: Tailoring the Content  

After receiving the complete article and accompanying assets, our editorial team will review and tailor the content to match perfectly with our audience’s needs and the Brumpost style. 

We may make minor edits, optimize headlines, and incorporate our brand voice to ensure consistency. We’ll work closely with you to maintain the core message and intent of the article.

Step 5: Publication 

Once the content is ready for publication and has met our standards, we will notify you of the intended publication date. The article will be shared with our engaged audience, and it will be visible on our website. We encourage you to promote the published article through your own channels as well.

Cost Per Submission

The cost per submission for collaboration can be discussed individually based on various factors, including the complexity and length of the article, the quality of content, and the extent of promotion desired. We are open to negotiating terms that are mutually beneficial.

Collaborating with Brumpost provides a unique opportunity to reach a tech-savvy audience interested in emerging technology, smart gadgets, and scientific advancements. By following our submission guidelines and maintaining the focus on our domain, you can contribute valuable content to our platform and engage with our readers. We look forward to working with you to create insightful and engaging content for our audience.

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